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Google Semantic Search

Title: Google Semantic Search
Author: David Amerland
Editor: Que Pub
Description: Deep inside Google, brilliant researchers have crafted breakthrough “semantic search” techniques that are already transforming Google’s day-to-day search results. What does that mean to you? It means that if you want to be discovered on the Web, yesterday’s SEO techniques aren’t good enough anymore. Now, for the first time, there’s a book that tells you what to do instead — in plain English. Whether you’re doing your own SEO or supervising an agency, David Amerland’s Google Semantic Search will help you:

  • Boost your site’s rankings today — and tomorrow!
  • Take advantage of the Knowledge Graph, TrustRank, AuthorityRank, and other search innovations
  • Improve the way you execute on content and social media marketing
  • Take advantage of specialized Google “search verticals,” including Image and Mobile search
  • Learn which social bookmarking services contribute to Google search ranking, and how to make the most of them
  • Avoid (or stop using) old-fashioned techniques that are now counterproductive

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